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日期:2014年06月30日   点击:

扭摆实验是研究简谐振动、阻尼振动和受迫振动的一个综合性实验,是一个很受学生欢迎的实验。传统的测量周期和振幅的方法是用光电们,但是它不能得到连续变化的周期和振幅。为了方便地得到这两个物理量,我们提出利用学生熟悉的霍尔元件和光电鼠标来实现非接触数据采集。这两种方法设计简单巧妙,使用方便,且成本低廉,还可以推广应用到其它实验。基于此工作的论文已经发表在欧洲物理杂志(European Journal of Physics)。

General comments of Referee: The paper describes two simple and inexpensive non-contact methods used to acquire data in an undergraduate laboratory set-up. The results obtained for a torsion pendulum experiment are used to illustrate both data acquisition methods. In my opinion, the paper will be of interest to teachers involved in the development of experiment at undergraduate level, as it demonstrates the use of Hall sensors and the optical mouse as valuable and cost-effective motion sensors. The paper is within the scope of the European Journal of Physics, and the material presented is likely to be used by readers of the journal not only in the context of the specific experimental set-up described in the manuscript, but also in other experiments.
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图一  装置示意图


图二 用光电鼠标测量摆角


图三  用霍尔元件测量摆角



图四 振动过程及相图